Dear White People, You Are Not Being Oppressed

Virgil James
7 min readMay 7, 2023


I don’t know if this has been going on for a while and I just didn’t see it, or if there has been a spike in this recently, but I’ve been seeing a lot of white people thinking that black people are overpowering, oppressing, and blaming them for everything recently.

The main point that they will make is that black people kill each other, white people kill each other, and black people kill white people and aren’t punished or condemned for it. They think we call them racist for “not groveling at the feet of POCs” and that we just throw around the term “white supremacist.”



I need to ask y’all something.

Are y’all fucking stupid?

Did you forget a huge part of American history?

Y’all think YOU’RE the oppressed ones and we just bring up racist white people for no reason? Okay…

Let me ask some more questions to white people, and this is to any white person whether you agree with me or not.

Have you or any other white person you know ever walked into a store and had people assume you were trying to steal something?

Have you or any other white person you know ever been pulled over for no reason?

Have you or any other white person you know been afraid to walk outside with your hood on?

Have you or any other white person you know been afraid to walk outside at all because of your race?

Have you or any other white person you know been arrested for no clear reason?

Have you had your hair called nasty, ugly, dreadful, or unkempt for just having your hair out or even when it is in a hairstyle? How about any white person you know?

Was there ever a set of laws that took away human rights from white people?

Were white people ever enslaved for being white?

Are white people killed by police officers for no reason?

Are white people compared to monkeys outside of the discussion of evolution?

Do people shout slurs at white people daily?

Have people made caricatures of white people?

(I should clarify because, of course, people have made caricatures of white Jewish people. That’s a different issue. Those caricatures were made because they were Jewish, not because they were white. They are seen as different from and lesser than white people regardless of race. Also, in Ireland, white people were oppressed plenty. I’m referring to the U.S., as most of the people I’m talking about as well as myself are from the U.S.)


Then, tell me who the victims are.

You want to make us the bad guys for talking about racism — if you aren’t racist, you wouldn’t be offended.

I swear y’all want to be victims so bad — you are not being oppressed. Black people are not overpowering you. Black people aren’t taking over.

I’m aware some black people hate all white people, and I’m aware some black people kill white people, but brush up on your American history and see who are the victims overall. It’s not white people.

Carlton Gilford, the man who shot two white men for being white yesterday? He is being held in jail. He was arrested immediately (as he should’ve been, in case y’all were thinking of accusing me of pandering to criminals). Do you know who didn’t even get sentenced until February 15, 2023, when the crime against black people was committed on May 14, 2022? Payton Gendron, the 19-year-old white man who shot up a grocery store in a predominately black neighborhood to kill black people because “white people are dying out.” He didn’t even plead guilty until November of 2022 and was not held in jail the day he committed the crime, even though there was tons of evidence.

Note: I found out that Gendron does regret his actions, which makes me glad. I will never sympathize with that man, and I’m so happy he has been sentenced to life in prison. However, I’m glad he saw the error in his ways.

So again, tell me, who is being oppressed?

The truly disgusting part is that some of y’all think because “white people built this country” we should respect you. You are the ones who “don’t want to grovel at the feet of POCs,” but you want us to grovel at…your feet?


Flat out.


You do realize you’re the same people who forced us to help you build this country, right?

Since some of y’all are so proud of being Confederates, do you want to know why the Confederate party exists? Because white slave owners didn’t want to let go of slavery because they made a profit out of it.

If you need me to spell it out for you, the only reason white people were able to build this country is because white people made a profit out of forcing black people to work for them, and treating them like they weren’t human. Y’all did not build this country — we did. Racism is the only reason this country stands, and if you don’t believe me — hell, if you do not believe black people, ask Indigenous people.


Tell me who is being oppressed.

And the “white pride” shit is funny because no one is telling you to feel bad for being white. You hardly have anything to fear from being white, so why does it need to be a big deal that you are white? No one’s telling you to feel bad you’re white like racists to do POCs. That’s why people are calling “white pride” racist, but I think it’s too stupid to even be that.

White people are not all bad guys, white people should not feel guilty because they are white, and no one is saying that. No one with a brain, anyway. So, I don’t know why two POCs are shaping your whole view of POCs, but you’re only proving our point because the generalization of a whole race is…racist.

Most of y’all are grown, so it’s sad I have more sense than y’all even though a lot of y’all would say shit like “I have more experience because of my age.” Please.

We’re not going to be nice to pander to your feelings. If you’re not racist, our rants about racism aren’t about you. The only reason you would find it offensive is if you’re racist.

So, if that’s what you are, might as well own it. Don’t tell us we are throwing around the words “racism” and “white supremacy.” That is what you’re doing, that is what you are, and I’d rather you own it instead of treating us like the bad guys and saying we are playing the victim.

You can’t play the victim if you are the victim.

To anyone reading this who isn’t the target of discussion (including white people who aren’t saying the bullshit above)…

I know I was harsh in that. I know I wasn’t respectful.

That’s because I’m tired.

I’m so fucking tired of seeing shit like that and feeling like the world does not want me around because I’m black.

This is why it pisses me off that white people think we are blaming them and telling them to feel guilty for being white. We aren’t, but they are using that delusion as an excuse to do that to us.

I know most people understand that, but I’m not the kind of person who usually is this mean. I don’t like this side of me, and it’s a side of me that I have now shown twice on this site.

However, I do not feel guilty. They don’t understand us when we speak to them respectfully.

If you made it this far, I would love it if you checked out my article on transgender children. It’s a topic I had not covered here until that article.

And please, follow me if you like me. :)



Virgil James
Virgil James

Written by Virgil James

Hi! I'm an aspiring author who is seventeen and a feminine trans man! I post short stories and poems! Sometimes I post stories about my life as well!

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