Good job, you have made me break my record of saying "shut the fuck up" to someone in one sitting. It was about 20, but now it’s about 60. Impressive. Also, I have to note that I read the whole thing with the most stereotypical, southern white man voice you have ever heard.
Between you saying that you were a white male and unashamed of it, and you calling this generation entitled and self-absorbed, I couldn’t tell which part of this article made me want to bash my head into my fucking wall more. :D
Number one, no one is telling you to be ashamed of being a white man, I know plenty of white men and that I would never tell them to be ashamed of being a white man. We are simply asking you to acknowledge the privilege you have because you are a white man.
Number two, you keep replying to people who are saying that POCs helped build America by saying "okay but there were MORE white people who did that" Okay? And? What the hell are you trying to prove? If you want me to worship you and your race because of that, it’s not happening. I like white people, but I’m not going to kiss your ass because "you built this country" mean this country your ancestors brought my ancestors to against my will? This country that oppresses anyone who isn’t a cisgender, white man (which is the reason people are saying you are privileged)? Yeah, no thank you. I’m going to continue talking about your privilege because that is the truth. If you don’t like us talking about it... help change it instead of whining when someone tells you to acknowledge your privilege. We wouldn’t have to talk about it if it wasn’t an issue.
Number three, you keep throwing around the words "self-absorbed" and "entitled" and yet, the only entitled motherfucker I’m seeing here is you.
It’s sad.