If I Died
I wonder if anyone would be upset
Or if they would rejoice in my death
I wonder if anyone would care
Or if it would be just another day for them
I wonder if anyone would mourn
Or if they would move on like it’s nothing
I wonder if anyone would miss me
Or if they would be glad I’m gone
I wonder if anyone would remember me
Or if everyone would forget me after two days.
I wonder if I’d be buried
Or never found, left to rot in the earth
I wonder if anyone would sympathize with me
Or if I would still be treated like the bad guy — even in death
That’s the problem with feeling like no one cares about your existence
Or even sees you.
I hardly even feel like a real person
Am I real?
Do I exist?
Is there anyone who knows and cares about me?
If I wasted away today…
Would anyone even notice?