I’m a Failure
I am.
I can’t do anything right
I can’t do my schoolwork
I can barely do my chores
This poem?
This poem is the product of my writer’s block
My failure to come up with something to write
Has me venting in stanzas and lines about shit no one cares about
Just to post something on this fucking site.
I’m a failure.
My plans for the future are…shaky, at best
I tried to try something new at the beginning of the year
And I gave up.
I barely talk to my friends
I’m about two seconds away from disappearing from them forever.
I’m a failure
I don’t have a future
I don’t have a life
I can barely enjoy my hobbies
I can’t do anything I need to do
I’m a failure
I lie all the time
I lie so well that most people can’t tell the difference
There are usually no signs I give when I lie
I do it so effortlessly
Like breathing.
Hell, what if I’m not telling the truth now?
How would you know if I wasn’t?
I’m a failure
Because someone who wasn’t wouldn’t feel like this
They wouldn't feel like everything is falling apart in front of them
They wouldn’t feel like they can’t do anything
They wouldn’t feel the need to latch on to adults that aren’t family
For some validation and comfort.
I’m a failure.
And I’m most likely stuck this way.