Let There Come A Day
When everyone can be safe
Let there come a day
When I’m not afraid to walk outside
Because of my race
Let there come a day
When I can be in rooms or online forums
With all white people
And not have to worry about microaggressions
Let there come a day
When I’m not fearing for the life
Of my sister
My cousins
My friends
Just because of who they are
Let there come a day
When I’m not called self-centered
For demanding respect
For demanding not to be talked down to
For demanding that my race be respected
For demanding that my identity be respected
And my name is used
And my pronouns are used
Let there come a day
When bigotry isn’t seen as an opinion
Let there come a day
When people who wouldn’t accept their children
If they are queer
Or if they dress a certain way
Or if they have different religious beliefs than them
Don’t have children
Let there come a day
When religion isn’t used to take away people’s rights
Let there come a day
When children are listened to
When they say their parents are abusive
Let there come a day
When I can be respected
No matter where I go
Let there come a day
In my lifetime
When everyone is treated as human.