The Key Bridge Fell
The Key Bridge fell
A couple of days ago
It crashed into the Harbor
Sending cars into the water
Sending people in the water
The Key Bridge fell
And six people haven’t been recovered
Six men
Six fathers
Six brothers
Six sons
Six uncles
Six nephews
Six cousins
Haven’t been recovered
The Key Bridge fell
Into the Harbor
Crashing into the water
Part of Baltimore’s history
Now in the water.
The Key Bridge fell
And yet, people lack empathy
People make comments about the bridge crumbling like matchsticks
People make comments about the tragedy being the fault of diversity
People make memes about the tragedy just a day after it happened
The president is giving us money to rebuild the bridge
But no aid to search for the six men still missing
As if a bridge matters more than the actual people
The Key Bridge fell
And people are using my city’s tragedy for their own agenda
For their own selfish interests
For the brunt of their jokes
It’s only been two days
And people don’t give a shit
It is too soon
It is too soon
It is too soon
The Key Bridge fell
And the only people with real empathy for the situation
Live in Baltimore
You shouldn’t need to be personally affected by something to care
You shouldn’t need to be living here to care
You shouldn’t need to know these men
To care about these men
But now I’m just offended
I’m too sensitive
I don’t understand the point that was supposed to be made with the meme
As if they can’t make that point without capitalizing on a city’s tragedy
A day after it happened
How dare you?
How dare you?
The Key Bridge fell
And people are too obsessed with themselves to care.