The Mirrors
When you wake up, you immediately feel something is wrong.
You sit up and quickly realize you are lying on a cold, hard floor. You look all around you and see… yourself.
Startled, you stand up quickly and spin all the way around. There were mirrors all around you, even on the floor, and you couldn't tell if you were in a room or a hallway; you could see yourself everywhere. It was disorienting.
You reach out your arms to see if there is a way out. You step forward, and your hands hit the cold mirrors. You turned around to try the other way and didn’t hit the mirrors. So, you kept walking forward slowly, turning as you ran into the mirrors.
As you walked, you looked straight ahead of yourself, only seeing the multiples of yourself and only hearing your bated breath and the slap of your bare feet. You don’t know how you got here, but you were determined to get out.
After a while, you saw something other than yourself from the side of your eye. You stopped and turned quickly, but whatever you saw wasn’t there anymore. Thinking you were imagining things, you continued walking.
You reached a section where lights were flashing different colors. The lights made the already disorienting labyrinth even more disorienting, but you pressed on.
Suddenly, the lights started rapidly flashing red and a harsh alarm sound started blaring through the labyrinth. You stopped in your tracks, spinning around and unable to see anything. The lights and the sounds combined made it unbearable to have senses. You crouched, closing your eyes and covering your head with your arms.
You accidentally opened your eyes and saw something or someone swiftly walking towards you. You thought they were teleporting because as the lights flashed, they came closer and closer.
You stood up quickly and started running in the opposite direction. You could barely see anything and you kept running into mirrors. All while the thing kept chasing behind you.
You kept running and running until… the lights and the alarm stopped. You looked behind you and the thing was no longer chasing you.
You took a second to breathe and then kept moving. You were careful, but you moved with haste. What was that thing? What was this place? Why are you here?
As you keep walking, you see something staring at you through one of the mirrors. Mortified, you slowly turn to face the person.
It was the person chasing you before. You couldn’t get a good look before, but now you can see them clearly. You can see their long, dark, matted hair, their dead skin, their white eyes, and their rotting teeth as they smiled at you.
It was horrifying. You backed into the wall. The person was silently smiling at you, and all you could hear was your panicked breaths.
Then, they started hysterically laughing at you. You froze, watching them point and laugh at you as if your fear was a comedy show. Eventually, something in you told you to run, and you did, but the person followed you through the mirrors. When they appeared in the mirror ahead of you, you screamed and instinctively turned around.
You realized there was another way to go forward and you ran that way, hyperventilating. Everywhere you looked, that person was nearby, following you through the mirrors and laughing.
Suddenly you saw a door, and you ran to it as fast as you could. When you got to it, you opened it, and…
You were in a forest. You felt the cool air on your face.
You looked behind you. The door was opened, but the person wasn’t there.
You turned back around, and walked forward slowly. You have no idea where you are, but hopefully you could find a street and get some help getting home. There is more you have to do, but for now, you’re free.
You were about three feet from the door when you slammed into something.
You stared forward, confused. There was nothing there, you thought, but then you reached forward and felt glass.
“No…” You whisper.
You touched your hand in a few different places.
“No, no, no…”
You slammed your fist on the glass and screamed.
Suddenly, you heard the laugh again and you froze in fear. Then, something grabs your legs and pulls you backward.
You scream and try to claw your hands into the ground to stop the pull. You get your hands stuck into the ground, but you were being pulled too roughly. In the attempt to continue dragging you, your leg was ripped off.
You screamed in pain and suddenly, you were grabbed again and pulled from your spot. A couple of your nails ripped off, and you continued trying to claw away.
You looked behind you and saw the person again, laughing at you as they pulled you back through the door.
When they got you through, the door slammed, and you never came through it again.