“They Would Kill You In Palestine”
I hear this everyday
From butthurt keyboard warriors
Who can’t stand to see someone
And standing up for humanity
And you know what I think?
I think of the Muslims in my school
Of whom I’ve never received hate from
I think of a Palestinian woman named Haneen
Who tells me all the time she thinks I’m cool and slay
I think of a Palestinian woman named Heba
Who calls me “brother” instead of “sister”
I think of the Palestinians on Queering The Map
One of whom talked about the man he loved
Who was dead now
And he never got the chance to tell him he loved him
I think of the Palestinians I speak to everyday
Who don’t even think about my identity for a second
Then I think about you.
You who demonizes Palestinians and Muslims in general
Calling them too extreme
While you use your God to slay children in the queer community
One by one
You who thinks that by not supporting Palestine
You are standing up for queer rights
You who thinks that Israel is a queer haven
Because they have a pride parades
Somehow forgetting that it’s pretty hard to fight
For queer rights in your country
When you’re being bombed
And starved
And forced to live in an overheating tent with no running water
You who brings up my identity in a hateful way
To say that they would kill me
So I guess we shall see if Haneen will kill me
When I get her and her family to the States
I guess we shall see if Heba will kill me
If we ever meet
I guess we shall see if the other families I’m helping will kill me
Or flood my messages with hate
Or call me a faggot
Or a tranny
Or satanic
Like you do
But let me ask you this while we wait:
Would they kill me?
Or would you?